The current plan V3.7.25.B
1- Bubba goes on a smoke break behind the storage area
- Felix uses spirits to confuse watchers
- Jamie is levitated/invisible into place on the roof
- Kliko and Ludi (invisible) follow Bubba into storage area
2- Bubba resumes duties
3- Jamie hacks into camera-system
4- Jamie decks into the elevator system (if there is a connection)
5- Kliko and Ludi hide near the elevator and stair doors in the storage room
6 - Felix walks into the lounge or chapel to meditate (summon Hearth spirit to conceal Kliko and Ludi, and to confuse those attacking them)
7- Bubba attends sermon
8- Bubba signals when sermon is over (one radio click)
9- Bubba follows Morningstar into the lounge and lobby (he needs to get to the kitchen)
10- Bubba signals when Morningstar returns to his quarters a)via elevator, two radio clicks, via staircase, three radio clicks
-Jamie starts loop of video cameras for stairwell/elevator, storage area, back parking lot
Now here things digress:
11- Elevator opens, Morningstar gets in
12- Jamie closes the elevator door while:
13- Bubba fakes an epileptic attack and crashes to the ground (distraction), but with his drooling he shouldn't have any problem making a good appearance.
14- The other elevator door opens, Ludi taps Morningstar twice with the dart pistol
15- Kliko catches Morningstar and hauls him through the storage area, across the back parking lot to the hole cut in the fence to the alley
16- Jamie closes elevator door
17- Ludi covers Kliko's exit, closing doors behind them
-Jamie locks doors if possible from security system
18- Kliko puts Morningstar in the back of the truck (Corsair is on overwatch for bystanders)
19- Ludi gets in and they drive off
20- The rest gets the frag out with Corsairs SUV.
11- Bubba fakes an epileptic attack and crashes to the ground (distraction), but with his drooling he shouldn't have any problem making a good appearance.
12- Kliko opens door to stairwell
-Ludi taps Morningstar twice with the dart pistol
-Jamie locks door from stairwell to main lobby
13- Kliko catches Morningstar and hauls him through the storage area, across the back parking lot to the hole cut in the fence to the alley
14- Ludi covers Kliko's exit, closing doors behind them
-Jamie locks doors if possible from security system
15- Kliko puts Morningstar in the back of the truck (Corsair is on overwatch for bystanders)
16- Ludi gets in and they drive off
17- The rest gets the frag out with Corsairs SUV.
City and Air spirits to use movement, concealment and/or confusion to aid in a clear exit.
Only if worst comes to worst we have to shoot our way out or drop a smoke+gas grenade in the staircase, storage room or parking lot to cover our exit.
Exfil plan for others:
-Felix should never have to leave the other SUV parked nearby
-Spirits get confused, destroyed or ignored depending on alarms and such
-Jamie (once again invisible) gets levitated off building and back to SUV.
Alternate: Jamie leaves looping external video cameras and rappels off the side of the Temple
-Jamie and Felix drive up to the front of the temple and pick up Bubba as he walks out the door.
Alternate: Felix drives up and picks up both Jamie and Bubba
Tertiary: Bubba calls a cab to take him to the "hospital" and gets picked up elsewhere