Oct 14 2013, 07:57 PM
I would roll a great leadership roll, if only my computer isn't in the shop for repairs.... I'll write something up before thursday...
Oct 16 2013, 04:36 AM
Okay, I will wait on you.
Oct 21 2013, 10:31 PM
I will try to get a post up this week... My wife and I just had our first kid, so my concentration is a little muddled.
Oct 21 2013, 11:43 PM
Congrats!!! Details... race, class, weight, size, and name?
Oct 22 2013, 01:19 AM
QUOTE (SneakyJoeKDB @ Oct 21 2013, 04:43 PM)
Congrats!!! Details race, class, weight, size, and name?
Race: Banshee
Class: Physad/Screamer
Weight:7.35 lbs
Height: 20.75 ins
Real Name: Bastard, Jr.
Street Name: BJ
Oct 23 2013, 07:05 PM
Good to see another gamer born!!!
@Kliko, how's that computer coming? I am itching for some more IC with Kliko.
Oct 23 2013, 07:30 PM
Rollin baby.
Leaderhsip role:
[ Spoiler ]
Military: [7, 5, 3]
Oct 28 2013, 04:14 PM
Awesome IC, awesome question from Bubba!
I believe Kliko's attempt at Leadership is vs Bubba's Willpower, which is pretty high.
Oct 28 2013, 05:47 PM
Fortunately there are some situalional modifiers (yeah!). Will write up an IC tonight.
Oct 28 2013, 09:54 PM
@Kilko, is that your final IC? Just making sure before I writeup Bubba's response.
@Bastard, how does Kliko's leadership skill fit in? I want to make sure I IC appropriately as Kliko utilizes his skillset. Especially since it's one of those skillsets that is not used to often.
Also I edited Bubba's question to Kliko in the IC so it would be inline with Bubba talk.
Oct 28 2013, 09:58 PM
QUOTE (Bastard @ Oct 28 2013, 12:14 PM)
Awesome IC, awesome question from Bubba!
I believe Kliko's attempt at Leadership is vs Bubba's Willpower, which is pretty high.
Bubba's willpower is 5. He's as stubborn as he is thick.
Oct 29 2013, 03:47 AM
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Uncle Sam has been keeping me working too long and my little girl keeps me from sleeping enough it feels like. I think Kliko and Bubba have this conversation in hand, although if needed Felix can remind Bubba about the challenges of the team moving the troll due to his size.
Oct 29 2013, 06:18 AM
QUOTE (SneakyJoeKDB @ Oct 28 2013, 02:54 PM)
@Bastard, how does Kliko's leadership skill fit in? I want to make sure I IC appropriately as Kliko utilizes his skillset. Especially since it's one of those skillsets that is not used to often.
Also I edited Bubba's question to Kliko in the IC so it would be inline with Bubba talk.
I thought it was Leadership vs Willpower, but on page 87 of SR3, it says it is Leadership vs Intelligence. However, that is convincing people to do what you want, not changing their mind. I would say Willpower should still play into it. If Bubba is going to be stubborn, use, Willpower. If he just needs things explained, then use Intelligence.
Then it should be Kliko's Leadership with a target of Bubba's Will or Intel.
The book doesn't say whether or not it is opposed, nor how to handle PC-PC situations. I would say that is a judgement call based on the disposition of the target(s), and what is being proposed.
Also see page 92 Using Charisma Linked Skills, and page 93 Negotiations and Leadership, and Interrogation and Intimidation in the SR3 Core Rulebook.
I thought there were rules in the Shadowrun Companion, but I could not find anything there. I may have missed it.
QUOTE (ntwi @ Oct 28 2013, 08:47 PM)
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Uncle Sam has been keeping me working too long and my little girl keeps me from sleeping enough it feels like.
I know the feeling! I got a new one that has been the recent cause of my delays
QUOTE (ntwi @ Oct 28 2013, 08:47 PM)
I think Kliko and Bubba have this conversation in hand, although if needed Felix can remind Bubba about the challenges of the team moving the troll due to his size.
Kliko can NPC this in for you if needed.
Oct 29 2013, 09:21 PM
I feel myself a little bit dirty deep inside right now.
Oct 29 2013, 09:23 PM
LOL, makes for good IC. Kliko is who he is so it's all good. Now how are you gonna get this troll off his big ass?
And since the topic of babies keeps coming up, we are expecting our fourth!!!
Oct 29 2013, 09:25 PM
Be all sympathetic of course and point him in the direction of some matrix-based datingsites! (or promise to take him in his family)
[ Spoiler ]
Congrats on the little one!
Oct 30 2013, 02:33 AM
Another one! Now we will never catch up!
Nov 2 2013, 05:45 PM
Waiting on me?
Nov 3 2013, 11:16 AM
Nope, me to blame, I got to write the next one...
Nov 12 2013, 12:58 AM
Well that is one way to get the troll off his fat ass while disposing of another red shirt. LOL!
Nov 12 2013, 01:59 AM
QUOTE (SneakyJoeKDB @ Nov 11 2013, 05:58 PM)
Well that is one way to get the troll off his fat ass while disposing of another red shirt. LOL!
I figured long ago that was a good way to dispose of Jason's character.
I was going to leave Duster in the gutter, like Josh's Tiger, but Felix killed the will o wisps too effectively.
Nov 12 2013, 07:18 PM
I guess I need INITIATIVE from everyone... if anyone is still around besides Kliko and Sneaks.
Nov 13 2013, 02:38 AM
Sorry for the long delay between posts.
Init 5+4d6: 5+(1,1,4,5) = 16
[ Spoiler ]
Pull the pin and drop a smoke grenade at my feet as I dive for cover
Nov 13 2013, 10:27 AM
Init 6+2d6: 6+(6, 4) = 16
Combat phase 16
[ Spoiler ]
Dive for cover! (change position, simple action and coordinate small unit tactics, simple action: [1, 10, 5, 2, 3], guess two succeses, but AFB right now. This should give the others a bonus to initiative in the next round or a combat pool bonus, unsure which
Combat phase 6
[ Spoiler ]
Observe in detail:[5, 1, 3, 1] and coordinate small unit tactics: [3, 1, 1, 3, 4] my rolls suck
Nov 13 2013, 02:05 PM
[ Spoiler ]
10 + 3,3,3, = 19
Bubba will "bounce" to cover and try to determine where the shot came from.
[ Spoiler ]
5, 5, 2, 1
Nov 15 2013, 12:53 AM
22 Knuckle Duster
19 Bubba
16 Kliko
16 Felix
15 "Deryk"
7 LudiTurn 212 Knuckle Duster9 Bubba
6 Kliko
6 Felix
5 "Deryk"
Turn 32 Knuckle Duster
V dies from sniper fire, Felix pops smoke, the team dives for cover. Sniper fire is coming from the east. It is sound suppressed, but in the silence of the night, it is not completely silenced. Kliko uses small unit tactics.
Maps Post updated.
Nov 17 2013, 06:29 AM
Bubba, Kliko and Felix can all move.
Any special thing Kliko is doing with that small unit tactics? It is fine to roll, but the unit also needs direction.
Nov 17 2013, 12:17 PM
Telling Duster to get his frag ass into cover (and for the rest of the team of course to find the damn sniper so he can lob a mini-grenade in there).
I'll put an IC up this evening.
Nov 18 2013, 12:46 AM
Felix's actions
[ Spoiler ]
Now that
Felix is behind cover, he'll be looking, not for the sniper, but for the rest of the ambush (if there is one) now that the sniper has fixed the team in place. So, buildings and alleys to the side first. Once the sides appear quiet or secure he'll worry about the sniper, but for now he has the remnants of a car for cover against the rifle.
Perception: 2,3,3,4,4,8
Next Round
[ Spoiler ]
Initiative: 5+4d6 = 5+2,3,3,6 = 19
Next round (unless things change) Felix will go Dual natured and attempt to spot the sniper.
Perception: 4,4,5,7,8,11
Nov 18 2013, 06:06 PM
Bubba is going to break out his mirror and fasten it to his baton and use it to peer around the corner of the building towards the sniper fire. He is looking for muzzle flashes. Which will likely occur if
Duster doesnt figure it out.
Next round
[ Spoiler ]
10 + 6, 3, 2 = 21
Nov 18 2013, 07:24 PM
Next round initiative!
[ Spoiler ]
6+[6, 5] = 17
[ Spoiler ]
- Phase 17:Simple action: observe in detail [7, 2, 2, 1], Simple action: observe in detail [13, 5, 1, 1] (Duster is a much more obvious target... and at least Kliko has some partial cover)
- Phase 7: Simple action: Change position (get back in cover), Simple action: Relay tactics using small unit tactics through BattleTactm: [4, 4, 3, 3, 1] tn=5 for people only in radiocommunication and 3 for team members with line of sight to Kliko. Team members with Line of Sight to Kliko get a +2 to their initiative in the next round, and others none. Team members should get a +1 bonus to their initiative from last rounds SUT
Nov 20 2013, 01:09 AM
Round 1
22 Knuckle Duster - moving to cover (north side of road)
19 Bubba - moving to cover (47th st)
16 Kliko - moving to cover (47th st)
16 Felix - smoke grenade / move to cover (car on north side of road)
15 "Deryk" - Fired two shots, two missed, one near Bubba and Kliko
7 Ludi - moving to cover (south side of road / park)
Round 2
12 Knuckle Duster - cover (building entryway)
9 Bubba - Creates "spy stick"
6 Kliko - Small Unit Tactics / Observe
6 Felix - Observe (thermo) / spots something suspicious, unknown
5 "Deryk" - Shot Ludi
Round 3
2 Knuckle Duster - holding position, covering rear
Round 1
22 Bubba - Using "spy stick" to observe (thermo) - negative
22"Deryk" - Fires two shots at Kliko, one hit 14D APDS one success
19 Felix - Observe (Dual-Natured) - Located sniper!
17 Kliko - Observe in detail failed - deadly damage takes Kliko to the ground - roll to resist 14D APDS, one success
17 Duster - Covering rear
13 Ludi - Rolling to cover
Round 2
12 Bubba
9 Felix
7 Kliko
7 Duster - Covering rear
3 Ludi
Round 3
2 Bubba
2"Deryk" - Fires two shots at Kliko, one hit 14D APDS one success
+1 Initiative for Duster and Bubba
No bonus to Felix (behind smoke) or Ludi (Lost LOS)
Next turn SUT bonus depends on damage taken by Kliko
Nov 20 2013, 02:38 AM
I am having a difficult time visualizing where the sniper fire is coming from? It seems like Kliko and Bubba are not in cover behind the building. Can you update the map to give me a visual?
Nov 20 2013, 08:12 AM
Yeah, I figured the partial; cover would save Kliko
[ Spoiler ]
APDS halves ballistic armor value (6), tn to resist 11. 6 Body + 8 combat pool: [5, 5, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 10, 10, 3, 8, 11, 2], 1 succes
Nov 20 2013, 08:22 AM
QUOTE (SneakyJoeKDB @ Nov 19 2013, 07:38 PM)
I am having a difficult time visualizing where the sniper fire is coming from? It seems like Kliko and Bubba are not in cover behind the building. Can you update the map to give me a visual?
I updated it a few days ago
here and also added the link to the
Maps Post, which is linked in the
#1 OoC Post, which is linked in my Signature.
Bubba and Kliko are behind the building on the south east corner of 47th Street, the sniper fire is likely coming from the east end of Daneshkadeh Road somewhere, based on V's head explosion and blood spatter pattern. When Kliko left cover to observe he may have been completely or partially visible to the sniper. He isn't using a "spy stick" like the innovative Bubba.
Nov 20 2013, 08:22 AM
QUOTE (Kliko @ Nov 20 2013, 01:12 AM)
Yeah, I figured the partial; cover would save Kliko
[ Spoiler ]
APDS halves ballistic armor value (6), tn to resist 11. 6 Body + 8 combat pool: [5, 5, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 10, 10, 3, 8, 11, 2], 1 succes
Don't forget Karma Pool if you need it.
Nov 20 2013, 08:42 AM
I need me some Karma-pool! (Currently at work, so will re-roll when appropiate back at home)
Nov 20 2013, 06:18 PM
Bubba will pull Kliko back behind cover and radio the team.
Nov 21 2013, 12:11 PM
Karma rule question:
[ Spoiler ]
So buying 4 succes (staging down deadly to moderate wound), permanently burns 4 karma, or only until the end of the run?
Nov 21 2013, 04:50 PM
@Kliko, can you use the dodge rules first before damage reduction?
It sounds like you would burn 10 Karma.
each sucess you buy costs its value.
1st = costs 1
2nd = costs 2
3rd = costs 3
4th = costs 4
= 10 Karma use
In Bastards Karma rules above it says buying a success is a moderate use of Karma. Is buying 4 successes still considered a moderate use of Karma?
Nov 21 2013, 05:23 PM
Actually I only need three (because I already rolled one succes). The dodging rules are a little bit lame in sr3, so let's not go there.
When staging down to moderate damage, some first aid and magic Kliko should be back up on his feet in 10 minutes. Now you guys go get that sniper! (and his spotter too).
Nov 21 2013, 06:16 PM
The sniper rolled 1 success so if I read the rules corectly you will need 5 successes to get down to moderate? 1 success to match the attacker's success and then 4 successes to scale the damage down to moderate.
I agree about the dodge rules -it almost seems broken. You would have a target number of 4 and if you got 2 successes with your combat pool dice the shot would have missed completly. Correct me if I am wrong.
Nov 21 2013, 08:18 PM
Moderate use, 10 (or 6) Karma, does not refresh until the end of this mission.
I thought you did not have to stage down the first Success. It only counts if you have multiple Success. The first Success is the 14D, each success there after has to be matched by the defender to return it to 14D, then every 2 Successes in Reducing Damage lowers your Damage Code.
I could be wrong, but that is how I have done it before... Anyone got the page number where that info is found?
Nov 21 2013, 09:51 PM
Page 113, last section, titled "Determine Outcome."
It looks like you compare attacker's successes with targets successes and then upscale or down scale by 2 successes depending upon the net difference.
Also read the dodge rules in there as well I think you will find them to be kind of broken. However it does allow only combat pool dice which do not refresh until after combat so in reality you can get one good dodge per combat. So If I got slugged like Kliko with a 14D and 1 success damn straight I would use the dodge rule. Additionally, if you failed to fully dodge the attack, any successes generated from the dodge carry into successes towards the damage resistance test.
Nov 21 2013, 09:55 PM
QUOTE (SneakyJoeKDB @ Nov 21 2013, 02:51 PM)
Page 113, last section, titled "Determine Outcome."
Read the dodge rules in there as well I think you will find them to be kind of broken. However it does allow only combat pool dice which do not refresh until after combat so in reality you can get 1 good dodge per combat. So If I got slugged like Kliko with a 14D damn straight I would use the dodge rule.
I always used the Dodge rule only if you can see the attack.
Nov 21 2013, 10:46 PM
That is fair.
By the way I am coming in late to Antioch tomorrow night. So let's plan some GAMES!!!!!!
Nov 23 2013, 06:36 AM
QUOTE (SneakyJoeKDB @ Nov 21 2013, 03:46 PM)
That is fair.
By the way I am coming in late to Antioch tomorrow night. So let's plan some GAMES!!!!!!
Word! I might be Oakland on Sunday.
Nov 24 2013, 05:03 PM
Felix will attempt to put the sniper down while letting the rest of the team know where he is.
[ Spoiler ]
Force 6S stunball
Sorcery 6 + Totem Modifier 2 + Spell Pool 4 = 12 dice
1,1,1,3,3,3,4,4,5,5,5,7 vs Willpower
Drain 2D stun
Willpower 6 + Spell Pool 2 = 8 dice
1,1,2,2,3,5,5,11,16 -> 6 successes -> L stun -> Trauma Damper -> No Drain
The next pass/round this will be followed by a Mass Blindness on the sniper if they are still visible
Force 5 Mass Blindness
Sorcery 6
2,2,3,5,5,7 Target Number is Intelligence
Drain 3S stun
1,2,3,4,6,6 -> L stun -> Trauma Damper -> No Drain
The target now needs to take a simple action to see at all and takes Net Hits as a penalty to all actions he needs to see for.
Nov 25 2013, 10:50 PM
I got your action noted Felix. Waiting on Kliko to determine how much Karma Pool he is going to use.
Round 1
22 Knuckle Duster - moving to cover (north side of road)
19 Bubba - moving to cover (47th st)
16 Kliko - moving to cover (47th st)
16 Felix - smoke grenade / move to cover (car on north side of road)
15 "Deryk" - Fired two shots, two missed, one near Bubba and Kliko
7 Ludi - moving to cover (south side of road / park)
Round 2
12 Knuckle Duster - cover (building entryway)
9 Bubba - Creates "spy stick"
6 Kliko - Small Unit Tactics / Observe
6 Felix - Observe (thermo) / spots something suspicious, unknown
5 "Deryk" - Shot Ludi
Round 3
2 Knuckle Duster - holding position, covering rear
Round 1
22 Bubba - Using "spy stick" to observe (thermo) - negative
22"Deryk" - Fires two shots at Kliko, one hit 14D APDS one success
19 Felix - Observe (Dual-Natured) - Located sniper!
17 Kliko - Observe in detail failed - deadly damage takes Kliko to the ground - roll to resist 14D APDS, one success
17 Duster - Covering rear
13 Ludi - Rolling to cover
Round 2
12 Bubba - Moving Kliko to cover
12"Deryk" - Firing 2 shots...
9 Felix - Hit "Deryk" with Stunball
7 Kliko
7 Duster - Covering rear
3 Ludi
Round 3
2 Bubba
Red - Move complete
Yellow - Move pending
White - Move upcoming
+1 Initiative for Duster and Bubba
No bonus to Felix (behind smoke) or Ludi (Lost LOS)
Next turn SUT bonus depends on damage taken by Kliko
Nov 26 2013, 03:21 PM
Ok, just checked the rules. Appears I've been playing it wrong all those years!
1. Dodge test: If you roll more succes then the attacker on the attack test, you dodge completely (I always find this lame, because your dodge tn(4) is way to low compared to attacker's tn's).
2. If you don't dodge completely, you still track the number of succeses on this test for the determine outcome test
3. Damage resistance test: roll body modified for ballistic armor yadiyada (in this case half ballistic due to APDS)
4. Determine outcome: compare attacker and target succeses, stage damage up or down depending on net succeses.
So the outcome depends on Derek's nr. of succeses on the Attack test.
If we divide my previous roll with full combat pool (8 dice): [5, 5, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 10 10, 3, 8, 11, 2] into:
- Dodge-test [5, 5, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4] tn4 (5 succeses), (Kliko was looking for the sniper and the distance is approx 50-100 mtr)
- Damage resistance-test: [10 10, 3, 8, 11, 2] tn 11 (1 succes)
This netts 6 succeses, so the question is, how many succeses did Derek get on his Attack-test?
I fear he's firing short range tn 4, +4 partial cover, -1 stationary target, + any lighting modifiers (probably +2) and perhaps a smartlink (depends a little) for another -2 = tn7 (9 without smartlink)
So lets presume (for simplicity sake) he scored one succeses on his attack test, then the nett succeses would be 5 succeses (6-1) staging Kliko damage down Deadly to Moderate.
But, I'd prefer to stage the damage down to Light if possible in which Kliko would have to spend the following amounts of karma on his damage resistance test:
- Derek 1 succes: 1 karma
- Derek 2 succeses: 3 karma
- Derek 3 succeses: 6 karma
- Derek 4 succeses: 10 karma
I'll try and write up an IC this evening. Kliko probably takes an overpenetrating sniper-round to the foot (try and hike with that chummer) or Light wound in game terms.
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