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Mister Juan
Part I took out of the original post I had written. I thought it was funny.... but maybe not so professional wink.gif

Opening her jacket, Ludmila unholstered her pistol. Flipping it handle first, she presented it to Smith.

"If you want cheaper, I'll give you my gun for 500 and you can kidnap your scientist yourself"
thats funny. rotfl.gif
Mister Juan
No one happens to speak either French or Creole, by any chance? wink.gif
'fraid not, and shouldn't you have at least a passing grasp in quebec?
Mister Juan
By "no one", I was mainly refering to the characters wink.gif
I always try my best not to inject "player knowledge" into my characters nyahnyah.gif

As a complete aside, and you might already be able to tell at a certain point, English is most defintly not my first language. French is nyahnyah.gif

Concerning French Guiana; January is rain season, with average temp of 86, I think. So, it'll be hot, and rainy. You know, compared to NoCal... where its cold... and rainy....
We'll get some linguasofts. Don't worry about it.

I'd be much more concerned with the no-time to acclimatise in that particular climate.
linguasofts definitely. and from my experience, you dont always have to acclimatize. i knew several guys who had to deal with that process, but me and a few others never had a problem going from freezing cold to humid hot, no big deal. however, zeroing your rifle is a big deal. climate differences as vast as that between NorCal and South America will tell at a 500 meter zero
@Blindfox: You think we'll be shooting >100 meters in the jungle?

It just takes one guy with diarrea or dysenteria to bog us down wobble.gif
no to the first, assuredly to the second.

but regarding the first, there is a lot of standoff distance available across a launch pad...
Better avoid those launch pads then wink.gif. I wonder whether personafixes are readily available in 2061...
Mister Juan
I don't know about the other PCs, but Ludmilla isn't going like having to put the ENTIRE team plus ALL their gear on Smith's plane. Sure, he's their employer n stuff... but I don't like it. Never put all your eggs in the same basket.

I would have suggested that only those team members Smith knows, so Duster and Ludi, get on the plane, with most of the gear (pretty much everything that wouldn't pass customs). The rest of the team gets on regular flights. This way, Smith never gets to meet the whole team, and for all intent and purposes, has no idea how many of us there are. This way, if he decides to screw us in the end... well, we'll have at least one ace up our sleeve. The only issue I could see with this is the fact that Bubba, Kliko and Sugar all sport pretty heavy cyberware (at least, I think so... I could be mistaken about Kliko), which probably wouldn't make it through customs.... But anyways, I thought I throw the idea out there.

Second thing on my list, which has been somewhat brought up by Kliko: diseases. Ludi has a reliable Street Doc contact, who could probably get the team all the shots and meds they'd need for the trip. This way, we'll prevent many unpleasentness wink.gif

On the same train of thought, do we actually have anyone who's trained in first aid? Ludi isn't. She can default to attribute, if need be... but thats not so hot.

Getting our 'shots' before going to French Guyana is a good idea. Kliko is skilled in providing first aid if the need arises. Most of his cyber is actually legal, but he should be able to arrange at least the transport/exfil back from South America. Getting people in through a second route is probaply just to costly (and it's not in the Johnsons interest to screw us right then).

Lets put some of these ideas in through the IC-thread. Afterall IC-planning is half the fun. We'll probaply subdivide a number of the tasks between our crew and fly-out the next day depending on how succesfull we are with our equipment 'acquisition'
Alright, I am once again back and paying attention. My grandfather passed last Thursday, and I was attending the funeral all through the weekend.

I say it is about time to take the team to a motel room for some serious IC planning.
Sorry to hear that Josh. Hope the family is doing well.
Well, I did not log in for a few days and the forum alerts are not working anymore... and now I have to read a novel to catch up. smile.gif I had family in town and now they are gone; so I will follow more regularly.

Also I started school again, so depending upon homework load, I may have some delays between posts. This is my last semester!

Sorry to hear about your Grandfather Josh.
I found that is a problem when you do not log in after you have been sent an alert (for each) you will not receive another. I am not sure if there is a time frame on that, like if you still have not logged onto the thread for a week or a month you receive another, or if it is no log in, no more alerts. It is a feature that I find wonderful, so my email does not get bogged down with alerts when 9 people respond to a thread. grinbig.gif

QUOTE (SneakyJoeKDB @ Sep 8 2009, 01:11 PM) *
The Johnson wants to play "name the price" and we have no details on the extraction. We should give him a base price pending adjustments as the job is put into context. In addition, Johnson needs to take care of travel expenses etc.
Is this meant to be an OoC post? If so, edit your IC to what Bubba is doing on his bike... getting bored, picking his nose, etc.
waiting on me?
Mister Juan
Work has been kicking my ass for the past 2 days... So sorry for not posting frown.gif I just got home now, and need to turn in if I want to make it through tomorrow. If all goes well, I should be able to post by tomorrow, like 8pm (eastern time). If you (Bastard) want to NPC Ludi to make things go faster, go right ahead wink.gif You seem to already have a keen grip on her character, so I'm not worried.

Once again, sorry for the hold up guys!
Not this week. Work has been hell. Spent all night watching gasoline drizzle onto my switch rack last night. Blarg.
Don't worry about it. I've got my shopping-list ready for this run cyber.gif
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Ok, thats just wishfull thinking for now. We're going to have some good fun doing the IC-planning.
Mister Juan
Doesn't one need a knowsoft link to use linguasoft chips?

Also, Ludi already has a combat vest, as well as a R8 Jammer.
QUOTE (Mister Juan @ Sep 10 2009, 07:01 PM) *
Doesn't one need a knowsoft link to use linguasoft chips?

Yup, your character needs a knowsoft link cool.gif in order to use knowsofts and linguasofts (sub-classification of knowsofts).

I deemed it logical for a veteran merc to have one (ok, ok, I''ll admit, I'm just a big fan of Matador's merc write-up in Fields of Fire)
oh yeah, i heard he was in Aztlan these days...
Mister Juan
This just goes to make me realize how quickly I built Ludi wink.gif She seems to be lacking "crucial" pieces of cyberware.
Mister Juan
So, 80 000 divided equally makes it 16 000 each.
What we could do is each take a cut of 12 000, and put the 20 000 grands left in a "team pool".
I know 12g a piece isn't a whole lot of money, when you think about it. But when you look at the fact that a low lifestyle is 1 000 a month, thats a full year worth of living expenses in 10 days work.

Anyways, as for starting a "team pool". Each run, we could all chip in equal part, and buy common gear with it. For exemple, on this run, we could use it to outfit ourselves with the proper camo, comms and camping gear we'd need. In the future, we could use it to cover multiple safehouses... and maybe even vehicles.
sounds like a great fraggin idea, but how's about we make that cut 14 large apiece wink.gif
80k minus mission specific costs will net us probaply around the 50k for the team (presuming nuyen.gif 3k per exfil) . The remainder is split on an equal basis per head. Of course these costs aren't wasted. You'll end up with a full camouflage suit for in the jungle, a machete and some miscelleneaous (jungle) survival equipment.
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As far as Kliko is concerned payment is not to bad. Think of it, ten days of working covering > 1 month of lifestyles, costs etc. Don't forget chummers, these Johnson's think us scum. Sure we all want that next hot piece of tech (Kliko not being an exception) but we got a rep to build before we can hit the major league.
Ok, edited my IC-post somewhat. I was under time-pressure this morning to wrap things up.
did Smith give us a dossier or any other data to help in the planning phase or is all the legwork on our own? that will effect my IC questions.
Mister Juan
Nope. He'll only hand it when we're on the plane.
@Blindfox: The general idea is first to brainstorm on possible plans for this run. We'll just have to make presumtions on the target and make sure we have enough alternatives readily available (plan for anything! be ready for nothing).
Can we research science/ research facilities in the area? It would be good to have some sort of idea what the job entails for planning purposes? Maybe look for reports news articles on any type of research/ new technologies coming from the area?

On another note... Kliko and Bubba were working with a fixer to get Bubba a security helmet with drop down visor among other supplies... Did we assume that happened?
Yup, that happened. Cost Bubba nuyen.gif 625 for a nice troll modded security helmet, tailored to his specific horn/skull shape. He had to take some measurements for his skull/horns some 6 weeks before. The helmet was delivered in a casing with soft foam interior, complete with stickers for various camouflage lay-outs in different operating environments some four weeks later.

Once you got one, you never want to run without... Kliko had to remind Bubba to take it off when he left for Frank's donuts after the package had been delivered.

QUOTE (SneakyJoeKDB @ Sep 14 2009, 03:22 PM) *
Can we research science/ research facilities in the area? It would be good to have some sort of idea what the job entails for planning purposes? Maybe look for reports news articles on any type of research/ new technologies coming from the area?

Yes we can. In fact if you google/wiki Kourou that already gives us some pointers...
QUOTE (Kliko @ Sep 14 2009, 03:53 PM) *
Once you got one, you never want to run without... Kliko had to remind Bubba to take it off when he left for Frank's donuts after the package had been delivered.

rotfl.gif that sounds like Bubba. I dont have a book so what are the stats? 2/1 and stacks on armor? Another question... Half fit form armor does that stack under a lined coat? And would we want a heavy machine gun on this mission at least for over watch?

As far as the research goes... I was thinking more in-game research, but maybe it is all based on real world?
In game we should see if any launches are scheduled during the time we hold the scientist captive:
QUOTE (SneakyJoeKDB @ Sep 14 2009, 06:18 PM) *
rotfl.gif that sounds like Bubba. I dont have a book so what are the stats? 2/1 and stacks on armor? Another question... Half fit form armor does that stack under a lined coat? And would we want a heavy machine gun on this mission at least for over watch?

The helmet is indeed +1/2. A lined coat does stack with the half-form fit, but it only gains you a +1 ballistic armor (layering armor sr3.p285). Secondly when your quikness is < sum of your armor pieces rating it invokes +difference tn penalty on all quickness related tests.... fyi that includes shooting... The helmet is fortunately the obvious exception to this rule.

It's the reason I usually stick to the camouflage suits or armor vests/jackets, cross my fingers and hope my characters don't get hit.

A HMG might be usefull for example when we hire a yacht to cover for the week. That should give pirates a run for their money, Har! But honestly if you want to go the heavy weapons-role Bubba is much better of with a LMG (cost wise). Slap on a foregrip and Rock 'n roll! HMG's tend to be very difficult to obtain on the streets (availability is through the roof).
Kliko asked me if you could use any info you "google-fu" can get you. The answer is yes. Google, wiki, and all the likes, will give you basic knowledge. Just remember that there probably are a few changes in the 50 years between now in RL and now in game time.

If you have specific questions, post in the OoC and I will try to answer in my next IC. Depending on rolls first. vegm.gif

Everyone make a computer-search roll, and a couple etiquette rolls (for a few contacts) and I will IC post your results tonight or tomorrow... and hopefully that will get you guys sped up.

twirl.gif Sorry for the long delay guys. Had an eventful few nights last week at work, and I couldnt get onto DS yesterday. Not to mention the football pool I run kept me busy, along with the two others I am in and my fantasy football!
Oh... since this is either most of your first or second time with me as a gm. I try not to have the Johnsons screw you over all the time. I always hated Shadowrun for that. It isn't really a plot twist, when the exact same thing happens every time.

The Johnson has no more reason to screw you over, as you do him. You would have your reputation, and your fixer's, dragged through the mud. The Johnson would lose a possible valuable asset in the future, plus, they would probably be too scared of screwing over career criminals with little or no regard for life, big guns, magic and the ability to find people.
1. What corp controls the CSG?
2. Launch schedule for the Kourou-site?
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3. What type of satelite is this?
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4. What (merc)organization has the security contract for the Kourou-site?
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5. Is said merc organization providing jungle warfare training programs to third parties?
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6. Any other relevant security info on the Kourou-site?
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7. Tourism opportunities?
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That's about it for now.
Thanks Kliko - I will hit all those in an IC.

Can everyone else post their searches and questions like Kliko... it makes it easy for me to reference, cause it will be a long IC.
Mister Juan
Here is my long list of rolls wink.gif

General Information Gathering on French Guiana
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IDing Smith (pictures taken with cybereyes, voice recorder with cyberears)
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Safehouses in French Guiana
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Additional Contacts/References in French Guiana
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Intelligence Ops in French Guiana, and surroundings
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French Guiana Intelligence Capabilities
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Getting all the shots for the trip
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General Knowledge updated 50 years wobble.gif
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Who is Bala?
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General science or research coming from area?
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Break-through cutting-edge research/technology coming from area?
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Science Facilities/ Research Centers in Area?
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Donut Shops?
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Exotic Donuts?
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i'm sorry to do this but i had a hellatious day yesterday and its effects are carrying over into today and probably from here on. i've had to spend most of my time considering this subject to the exclusion of all else. i'll try and get an IC up before tomorrow evening and i cant really provide my rolls (sorry aaron embarrassed.gif) but these are a few of my questions and i'll try to omit those that have already been posed:

rolls taken care of, packing list available upon your request, bastard. i'll wait to post IC til you post yer novella-

how do we plan to take care of the package for the duration and where will we release him?
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also ID'ing smith, since sugar had eyes on. (camera eyes and recorder ears like Ludi)
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regional political climate from which to extrapolate ROE and determine OpFor MLCOA as well as AOA (most likely course of action, opposition force, avenues of approach, rules of engagement; i'll end up using these and other acronyms later)
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current cultural guide book
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location of any nearby embassies or other friendlies
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local soccer team with stats and schedule
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i suppose that i can account for my poor rolls by pointing out that Sugar is trained in the desert and has little experience in jungle/ rain forest

Another example of "Friendly" Antioch

Contra Costa Times

I think my favorite part is when one student references that their having lived in Oakland making them an expert on the sound of gun shots. rotfl.gif

Antioch high school re-opens after student shot
By Robert Salonga and Hilary Costa
Contra Costa Times
Posted: 09/16/2009 09:19:17 AM PDT
Updated: 09/16/2009 11:43:40 AM PDT

ANTIOCH — Order is gradually being restored at Deer Valley High School as police investigate a drive-by shooting this morning that wounded a student outside campus, authorities said.

Students were allowed to call their parents for pickups beginning at 10:40 a.m., and have been given the option of leaving or continuing the school day, said Deer Valley principal Scott Bergerhouse.

Parents signed up for pickups in the west cafeteria. Sports practice was expected to be held after school as usual. A Senior Day trip to Waterworld USA in Concord will go on as planned for students who still want to go.

"We'll have a regular day here at Deer Valley High School as best we can," Bergerhouse said.

That didn't seem likely as students milled around the school's courtyard, dozens of others streaming off campus. Few headed back to class.

The shooting was reported about 8:30 a.m. on a sidewalk at the eastern entrance of the campus, off Sagebrush Drive near Lone Tree Way. Officers arrived to find a teenage boy with multiple gunshot wounds, police said. The victim was airlifted to John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek.

Bergerhouse said the boy was wounded in the arm and chest, and that he was conscious and responsive when police arrived. He also said the boy was able to call his parents, and was conscious as he was flown to the hospital.

Police said the shooting was preceded by an argument between the group of males the victim was with and another group in a car, who fled. One student reported hearing three to four shots; another, Christian Miller, 15, said she also heard gunfire.

"I used to live in Oakland, so I know what it sounded like," Miller said.

A student described the shooter's vehicle as a black sedan with tinted windows playing loud music, occupied by a driver and passenger. It was last seen eastbound on Indian Hill Road. The school was put on lockdown shortly after the shooting.

Don Gill, interim superintendent of the Antioch Unified School District, said the victim was a student who was attacked by a non-student. An Antioch police car left the scene with its lights on carrying a teenage boy in the back seat, but police did not confirm whether an arrest was made.

Gill said the entire school district was locked down for about an hour as a precaution.

"We don't know if it was gang-related or if any retaliation is planned," Gill said.

In response to the lockdown, neighboring school districts are on alert. Pittsburg's school district plans to increase police presence at its two junior high schools, Pittsburg High School and Marina Vista Elementary because of its downtown location.
That is because all the Oakland folk moved to Antioch and now Antioch is a thug town. It is really sad seeing what happened to our home stomping grounds. Every time I go back I feel very unsafe and on guard. If California could get its act together and clean up its government policies, crime, education system, and housing issues, we would consider moving back.

We miss our friends and family, but quite frankly, my children are so much better off in Utah.
edited my previous post smile.gif
DAMN... that is a lot of questions. I have been working on this for a good part of the day. Still got some to answer, so unfortunately my IC post will not be up tonight. Its almost 2130 here and I have to be up and on the road by 0315 for work.

I should be able to finish searching and giving you detailed answers tomorrow, but I probably won't have the novella of a post up until Friday or Saturday night.

Sorry guys.

Keep planning, look over each others questions, maybe they will spark more questions... or you can answer each others.

Here are some questions I can answer OoC though:

QUOTE (Blindfox)
How do we plan to take care of the package for the duration and where do we release him?
This is for you and your team to decide. Though he needs to be taken within the seven days from the meet, and held until the end of the 10th day.

QUOTE (Blindfox)
regional political climate from which to extrapolate ROE and determine OpFor MLCOA as well as AOA (most likely course of action, opposition force, avenues of approach, rules of engagement; i'll end up using these and other acronyms later)
I will hit the regional politcal climate, the OpFor, as well as their RoE, in the IC. However, their AoA is undetermined, since you are not quite sure which facility you are snagging the package from.

QUOTE (Sneaky)
General Knowledge updated 50 years wobble.gif
read.gif SR3 vegm.gif
I will add updated information from my sourcebook in the IC

I liked the IC questions: soccer, donut shops, tourism. rotfl.gif \

Any additional rolls I need I will roll to speed us up. Sorry again for the dragon ass.

By the way - has everyone updated their characters? Contacts, lifestyles, enemies?

I don't think they're really into troll trash metal down there, are they? spin.gif
QUOTE (Bastard @ Sep 17 2009, 12:36 AM) *

By the way - has everyone updated their characters? Contacts, lifestyles, enemies?

I am partially updated... I do not have a book to figure out 3 points of edges. I did update some skills and attributes.

After Shasta I would like to give Bubba a wilderness survival skill for flavor... is it an active skill or knowedge skill? I am assuming its based on Intelligence?
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